Detailed guidance on how to obtain permanent residence in Ukraine

Detailed guidance on how to obtain permanent residence in Ukraine

Posvidka na prozhyvannya is the name given to a residence permit in Ukraine. As a foreigner, while seeking permanent residence in Ukraine, you must aim at obtaining this document. Getting a Ukrainian residence permit is mandatory by law to all foreigners seeking more than 90 days in Ukraine.
What are the grounds for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine?
Applying for permanent residence in Ukraine narrows down to enjoying the freedom and privileges of Ukraine's citizens. Obtaining a permanent residence permit will give you all Ukrainian citizens’ privileges except the right to vote in elections. The insight below should point you in the right direction on the grounds to which you can obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine.

  • All Investors who have made over £100,000 investment into Ukraine,
  •  Individuals with a work permit in Ukraine,
  • Persons who have been citizens of Ukraine in the past,
  • Scientists whose work is in line with the interests of Ukraine,
  • Parents and spouses of immigrants and their children whereby the children must be minors, 
  • Persons entitled to Ukrainian citizenship under territorial origin,
  • And lastly, all the qualified specialists with the ability to benefit the Ukrainian economy. 

All these are grounds by which an applicant can qualify as a successful candidate for a Ukrainian permanent residence permit.
How can you obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine?
Now that you have an overview of what it takes to qualify as a candidate for permanent residence in Ukraine, let's enlighten you on how you can quickly get a residence permit, locally known as "posvidka na prozhyvannya". It’s vital to know that obtaining a work permit is the easiest way to obtain a residence permit Ukraine.
As it is, moving to Ukraine for economic reasons gives you a better chance to obtain a permanent residence permit. The rationale behind this is that you must have a company for the business you want to carry out in Ukraine. You will also have to buy or rent a house because you will be required to give your exact address.
What documents must you show?
To successfully secure a permanent residence permit in Ukraine, you must provide the following personal information.

  • Your name; here, you are required only to provide your first and family name,
  • You must also provide substantiation for permanent residence applications,
  • Address of residence,
  • A passport with a D via unless otherwise stipulated by law,
  • Ukrainian taxpayer identification number,
  • Four recent passport size of your photo,
  • And lastly a valid health insurance.

What are the benefits of having a permanent residence permit in Ukraine?
With a permanent residence permit in Ukraine, you can acquire property, open a bank account, obtain a marriage certificate, and participate in civil relations.
To wrap it up
A Ukrainian permanent residence permit is valid for up to 10 years, after which you can renew it. Note that, unless you provide all the required documents, it will be hard to obtain a permanent residence in Ukraine.


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