Useful information

Useful information

Understanding the Relationship between Ukraine and the EU

Ukraine has the second-largest joint border with the EU and accounts for 0.9% of important imports from non-EU countries. The country also offers a market of over 44 million consumers and 70% of its land is made up of the most fertile soil in Europe. The possibility for greater trade and economic prosperity between Ukraine and the EU is high but Ukraine will have to significantly improve its poor business environment.

Best Business in Ukraine

When it comes to business, Ukraine is a bundle of opportunities. One of the hidden gems is the Real Estate business in Ukraine. There has never been better a time to start investing in Real Estate than now. The Ukrainian economy has since stabilised and as a result real estate prices have stabilised. Also, the total cost of buying a property in Ukraine is low but with high gross yields. Therefore there has never been a better business in Ukraine than Real estate.

Ukraine Type of Companies

Ukraine has become one of the most accommodating business destinations as of recent. There are many types of companies provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. Prospective investors can choose from the limited liabilities company, the joint stock company (private or public), Joint Venture or Representative Office. It is the investor’s choice to choose which types of companies in Ukraine suits their business interests.