Work permits

Work permits

Over the past few years, more and more expats have been moving to Ukraine for employment and business. In order to work in Ukraine, without encountering problems, you need to follow the laws and regulations.
Considering, the fact that all documentation is in the Ukrainian language, you definitely need the help of experienced professionals. Only in this case will the authorization procedure goes smoothly and on time. At SIGTAX, we assist our clients with:

  • Legal advice regarding the possible grounds for getting a work permit in Ukraine.
  • The drafting and submission of necessary documents to the Employment Center, including drafting of the employment contract, between the Ukrainian business and the foreign employee, etc ;
  • Translation of drafts of agreements and contracts, passports, and other necessary documentation.
  • Submission of all the documents to the Employment Center under the power of attorney, supervise the examination of the documents and inform the client regarding the procedure.